November 24, 2014 | 0 |
It’s all a part of The Marvel Experience, the touring immersive adventure that launched its worldwide tour in Dallas two weeks ago and is now planted in Del Mar Fair Ground in San Diego through March 2015.The Marvel Experience incorporates next-generation interactive technology including augmented reality, multi-person gaming and immersive elements that put you right in the middle of the action,” continues the release.
Invite everyone to come and experience Marvel. Create awareness around Downtown and Harbor San Diego day and night. Help Marvel increase ticket sales and generate more Marvel Fans.
This special event is introduced through the use of 15 fully wrapped pedicabs by 15 team players by word of mouth and passing out flyers. Marvel Pedicabs were highly visible and recognized by target demographics. Characters like Iron Man and Captain America pictures on the pedicabs grabbed lots of attention.
Event was very popular and because of high demand and request, it was extended 1 more week. Pedicabs played an important role in increasing number of visitors to see Marvel Experience.