Our Clients Testimonials

We are the number one source in convention outdoor advertising services. Our client portfolio and successful campaign management skills make us leader in our industry. We handle everything from print production and installation to executing the campaigns. All you need is to provide your artwork design and we take care of the rest. We work closely with marketing agencies, meeting planners, convention organizers, and exhibitors directly. Our management team and brand ambassadors understand the philosophy of outdoor advertising very well.

3M | Corporate Auditor

“This was the best sponsorship that we have ever done, your company and team did a wonderful job”

Amazon.com | John

Thank you so much for the great pictures! Everyone loved how these pedicabs came out and the shirts looked great on all of the drivers. The client was also very pleased with how much exposure we received at this Comic-con for this promotion, so big thanks to you and your team from Deep Silver and Midnight Oil.

Liberty Mutual | Danielle

Thank you so much for everything! I heard great things and will be spreading the news (and the photos) to my contacts at the San Diego CVB and Convention Center. It couldn’t have gone better.

403 13th Street San Diego, CA 92101 | Ph: (619) 200-8495 | info@yellowbikecab.com
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